Insurance Appeals & Denials

Fruition Billing handles all types of insurance claim denials and can help get the coverage your clients deserve. Fruition Billing can help you through every step of the process, no matter what the reason is that your claim was denied. Medical and mental health claims can be denied for a wide variety of reasons, and we have experience fighting all types of denials. Denials of Medical Necessity are some of the most common and challenging types of claim denials. Medical necessity is determined by the insurance company and simply means whether or not they deem the procedure, treatment, or service medically necessary. Unfortunately, insurance companies often issue these denials without a thorough review of the patient history and often without thorough examination of the client’s current treatment records. Fruition Billing is ready to fight to get you and your clients the medical coverage you deserve. Regardless of the denial reason, we have the expertise and will fight every denied claim until we have exhausted all of our options.